Client testimonials

"Sandie & MCH delivered an intriguing and dynamic session to our board which quickly uncovered the hidden networks and stories at play in our organisation and helped us design a vision for the future. It was both fun and extremely useful"
“Sandie was the secret ingredient to helping us achieve our aspirations and act as a catalyst to align our efforts to succeed. Highly recommended.”
"Sandie is a joy to work with because of her excellent delivery standards and her approachable and friendly disposition. Sandie’s ability to understand people’s mindset and how to tell a story or position information to have maximum impact was a critical success factor on our project."
LAURA NAILOR, Global IT Innovation E-Commerce Manager at UNILEVER
“Sandie was an absolute pleasure to work with! The energy and positivity Sandie approached our conversations with was ridiculously contagious. Sandie’s expertise helped me, and many others see clearly in an otherwise complicated environment. The ideas facilitated by Sandie will be a game-changer for many of us in the team, and collectively help us continue to grow in the right direction.”
WILLIAM FREESTONE, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner at DIGITAL SURGERY
“Sandie is a highly skilled and pragmatic behaviour change practitioner, which means that she doesn't just come up with brilliant strategies, she ensures they are delivered and that the changes 'stick'.”
JULIE BODDY, Business & Technology Improvement Manager, BRITISH AIRWAYS
"Sandie and her team at Making Change Happen created a positive and safe space in which to think about those issues and left the participants energised. After the session, we were all found ourselves more focussed on the positive possibilities and on how to talk about them."
DUNCAN SAGAR, Organisational culture lead, HOUSE OF LORDS
“Sandie rapidly grasped hold of a complex change agenda which involved multiple parties, and a complex technology supplier environment. Sandie transformed the initial ideas into a robust programme that engaged the team and ensured that they successfully owned their own role in the overall change of the technology function. We could not have done this without Sandie.”
"Sandie has an inimitable style that combines razor-sharp focus, an open and curious mind, a critical eye, and an ability to see to the detail while maintaining the big picture. The output was nothing short of excellent."
MARCIA MURPHY, (Former) Head of OD and Change at BRITISH AIRWAYS
“Sandie has excellent knowledge of all aspects of managing change, and this is complemented by first class interpersonal skills. She is, without doubt, the best change manager I have ever worked with.”
“Sandie shared her wealth of experience, laid down the foundations for what we fully expect to be a successful change program.”
GEOFF SEELEY, Global Vice President for Digital Transformation, PEARSON
“The Team Chemistry session and feedback was helpful, particularly now as we’re working remote, which is something we’re not used to doing. It helped us think of new ways in which we can check in on each other, and start to focus on really how we can support each of them all through this time. Since the session where there seems to be a lot more willingness in the team to offer themselves up or their time.”
“Sandie is, without doubt, the best change coach I have worked with; she has excellent organizational skills plus an ability to identify what makes people tick & to plan accordingly.”
STEVE MERRIMAN, MD of the Agilyis and LBHF Joint Venture
“Sandie's expertise and enthusiasm for innovation excellence was a critical factor in the success of our highly complex, and multifaceted change programme. I would have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone who values a holistic approach to organisational psychology and change design.”
"We’ve achieved more today to bond as a team than we have in the last four months as a new unit. The most deep and rich conversation I’ve had with my colleagues in years."
DELEGATE, Develop teams leadership workshop
"It was interesting, it was fun, and the richness of information that we got in such a short space of time was great."
AYESHA MURRAY, Executive Coach
"It's a way of engaging with a complex subject that quite cleverly goes around some of our professional personas and can help people to address the elephant in the room and the really difficult things to come to new insights about their organisation."
SIMON CONFINO, Attendee at Identity Landscaping session
"I learnt a tonne! The tools that they used broke the ice for me. I didn't think that at any stage i felt uncomfortable saying what I needed to say. It was really a great day."
RAPHAEL SAMOVICH, Workshop attendee
"I love the work that Susie and Sandie have put together, I think it opened up a lot of things and a lot for me to go away and think about. Their work about identity and landscaping it's just so different but I feel it's so practical and can be used by lots of people and I actually really intrigued about it."
MIRA PATEL, Workshop attendee
“Fun, interesting, very different and so much more enjoyable than I expected.”
TANYA TICHIAS, Head of People Strategy at British Airways